Monday 18 February 2013

Babe and Chic

I always used to wonder at why some people were always referred to as 'that babe' and others 'that chic! However, this pondering was almost always short lived until my mother gave it a new perspective.

So, here we are seated on a mat, its V.D for my cousin brother  at one of the St Lawrence Schools.

A group of hyper active boys surround this camera man displaying photos. one of the boys shouts, " Gwe your babes photo's." and another corrects him equally loudly," thats not a babe thats a chic"
Puzzled we look at each other. I guess silently wondering at the terminology.

And then behold, our mother stole their thunder, she explained the difference as follows:
" I think i understand what she means by that, when they refer to you as babe they mean a fattish girl and when they call you chic ( she points at a skinny girl working walking by ) thats what they mean."

Silence and smothered smiles followed her explanation. And just like that, i came to the conclusion that the truth is neither here nor there. Our mother had given the difference between babe and chic a new perspective.

However, its not the gospel truth; seeing that 'babe' is now unisexual.

Guys out there especially you Ugandan men, hold your horses its now oky to be called babe. I swear it is, don't you watch the Kardashians on phone with their male BFF's ? And noo they aren't ...
Although if someone calls you chic, be perturbed, its still a girls only term; but more so if a fellow dude calls you chic.

Orogot Pamela

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