Tuesday 12 March 2013

I slept in Mpigi and woke up in Wakiso!

How it baffles me to hear the arguments about the creation and non creation of new districts! I never see the difference. Are my blind, oblivious or is there truly no difference?  Does service delivery truly extend to the grass roots or is it choked along the way? I just never see the difference!

So anyhow, the president decided no more districts will be created. Is this the part where I say aye’ or is it where I say nay’? Confusing for those of us who see no difference whether they create more districts or they don’t, well except the fact that more Mp’s grace the floors of parliament from the creation of new districts.

But who are my to judge? Am  just an average African girl. Maybe the village African girl will have a word to say. Maybe there will be more service delivery. Maybe her father will become a district councilor or better still a district mayor or the district Mp even better her mother. Then maybe her family will be better off. Maybe her opportunities will be increased. Or MAYBE NOT

So the president is going back on his word. Should we condemn him or should we praise him for being courageous or utterly brave (which he is most of the time). And why did he have such an angry look while announcing his decision? Isn’t he the one creating the new districts? Or wasn’t he the one who made the promises? Well despite the rat eating incident to demonstrate the need to create a district! But whatever….##$5

Last I checked in primary there were about 45 districts but now …. I lost count and the interest to inquire. But will I point fingers at my president for announcing there is no money to create more districts? Maybe that’s why the ED OF K.C.C.A decided to tax UPE schools. People we need the money!

And will I point fingers at him for taking a stand? And what about the prime minister who backed him last time he was trying to defend his creation of new districts ( this dude knows how to get himself in hot soup) that’s besides the point.

The point is who can show how the creation or non creation of districts truly makes a difference on the ground before they start calling out the president for broken promises.
Haven’t you heard there is no money ( excuse me I think I just choked). Now where is Kagina?


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