Tuesday 29 January 2013

Opinions of truth

Ever heard the saying, “the quiet scares me because it tells the truth”? I have but I don’t know who said that either.

But what is the truth? And am not the only one asking this question. Pilate in John 19: 38 ( Good news Bible) asked the same. So what is it anyway? Could it be facts, reality, voices or an interpretation of them all?

And what is the quiet?

Have you ever been in a room full of people talking and not hear the noise? And all that screams out aloud is the silence of the room because of your thoughts; walking around like a zombie and no one notices!

Most people are blind you know, not just physically blind but just plain oblivious to other people’s auras, call it emotion, strange behavior or change in spirit.

This truth that hits us in the quiet, that scares us, doesn’t it sound like a negative truth? Think about it! I mean if the truth was a baby on the way, would it scare you? Yes, no… ?  That’s only if you think the timing is wrong, the consequences grave. And if it didn’t scare you would that not be a truth?

What if this truth were a disease… say cancer, no, no say HIV that would be horrible. I mean the stigma! Oh yeah, that still exists. Even you who thinks you’re holier than though will take a moment.  That one pause…You’re not Jesus buster, you’re human. And that’s the truth or maybe my opinion.

Now, say the truth was a billion bucks lottery win. This truth only scares the paranoid or something… over here I would be arms stretched, knees on the ground screaming, “Bring it on” repeatedly. What about if the truth is … I am for the great I AM? If you didn’t know am talking about its God, just making sure you know this truth.

Would that scare you? I don’t know about you but me, I was astonished beyond belief.

So this thing called the ‘ truth’ when is it really the truth, is it when it’s a fact, a reality or something with consequences that are presumed unacceptable?

And the quiet, what’s so scary about it? Is it the quiet or you your scared of? Maybe its people’s opinions making you jittery. What if these are mind games, our insecurities that we cannot escape from? What is indeed the truth? Do you know the truth or is it opinions making sense?

Over here my God’s opinion is all that matters and that’s my truth. What’s your truth?  And since I don’t profess to know yours, that is your God, I don’t know your truth.  So when you give your opinion on a truth make sure the recipient was waiting for your OK. And that the quiet does not scare you.

           Always Orogot Pamela


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