Sunday 25 November 2012

Waging War

Before you get all excited, These aren’t lyrics to CECE WINAN’s heavenly and very inspiring track…..God, I love that song….it lifts me up every time am down….
But no, this is far from that; this is about me and my heart burning desire to wage some major war and set fire on some of the B.S going on these days…..
You might say I’m just whining, but seriously, blow some reefa and you’ll see Things a bit more clearly…. If you don’t, blame it on the smoke or just get a new dealer….
So here goes….wait, let me put this joint out first….

1.      SWAG or what people think it is. This very annoying and repulsive word originated from Scotland and some how made it to the United States and the rest is, as they say, history…..

It has since become a catch phrase for douchebags and tools everywhere. If you got “swag” you probably wear those crazy hats sideways, put on sagging pants and you’ve got crazy fake accents with meaningless words…basically you have no class and chances are you are not paying any taxes….so let’s burn down that “swag trailer park” and go back to the days when class had a huge following. So what do you say?....let’s put these hipsters out of business…..

2.      TREY SONGZ (and others like him)….hey, hey, hey….calm down. Just hear me out, ok? Don’t get me wrong here, I like this guy. I think he makes some of the best “baby making music” there is these days…..but that brother has ruined it for some of us….I mean he has set the bar so high, it’s hard for some of us to reach and am not talking about musical heights here…

My friend Carol (Kero, as she likes to be called) recently told me that her I deal man would have to look like Trey Songz and that when a guy approaches her, “Trey” is always the “marking guide” and her girlfriends totally agree with her on that. I found that to be so shallow on so many levels…. Initially I wanted to blame the girls but now I know it’s Trey’s fault….the guy has put it into ladies’ heads that a guy has to look all buff and tough by constantly flexing his muscles every chance he gets on T.V (so annoying)….and these stupid guys here have followed suit and started hitting gyms like the world is coming to an end…. this is the 21st century ladies, wake up and smell the coffee, not all of us are going to look like Mr. Songz over there……whatever happened to the chorus that beauty lies within?....I need that back… join me and we sign this petition to force Trey to keep his damn shirt on.

3.      Speaking of MUSIC, I’d love to set this new breed on fire. I miss the days (1990s) when music made so much sense….When is the music going to get back to Simple and basic…? Because I want to go back to a time when the music touched your heart , your soul, your mind and your body….Ya'll know what I'm talking about I want to go back to a time when you got out on the dance floor you touched your partner - you didn't have to look for them….yeah I sure do miss those days when real Rock Stars abused drugs and spent most of the time in rehab but would come back with  killer albums….not like these “musicians” who abuse auto tune and all they got going on are skinny jeans and hair bangs…..When are they ever going find that magic?....well, I won’t hold my breath on that one.

So join me and we do battle against the citizens with swag, the work out idiots who are ruining it for everyone and the tone deaf screaming singers; and we shall do it gangnum style.

                              Allan  Nyakana

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